Increase Your Energy Without Coffee
When you’re feeling low on energy and don’t want to turn to coffee for a pick-me-up, what can you do? There are many ways to increase your energy without caffeine, and it starts with understanding the root cause of your fatigue. It could be that you have a nutrient deficiency or an underlying condition such as an underactive thyroid or low iron and vitamin D. Once you understand the cause of your fatigue, there are natural methods that can help you boost your energy levels without relying on coffee. Here are my favourite things to do when feeling fatigued.
Where Have I Been, Burnout, and Filling Your Own Cup.
First off I feel like I must apologise, I’m very sorry I haven’t written a blog post in over a month. I have been quite quiet over on my social media platforms too. So the burning question, where have I been?
Well, not only am I a Naturopath but a side-kick to my partner, who works on his family farm and has a contracting business, so this time of year is super crazy!
How to stay healthy while living rurally?
Do you find it hard to make healthy meals while living an hour or even hours from your local supermarket? There’s no opportunity to quickly duck to the supermarket if you’ve run out of apples or have a craving for something but that’s ok, we can still eat healthy and nutritious meals while living rurally and I’m here to tell you how I do it.
Benefits of Kombucha
We have all see kombucha being one of the latest health crazes in the health industry but do you know why you are drinking this “superfood” or what it actually is?
Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that is made from a sweet tea mix and a SCOBY.
3 tips to managing hay fever
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens that commonly occur during spring when there are more pollens, dust, moulds and animal hair particles in the air bit some individuals can experience hay fever throughout the year.
Farmer Fatigue
Fatigue can be a big issue for farmers, both physically and mentally. Most farmers are working 7 days a week doing physical farm work then coming home in the evenings to go over budgets, pay bills, order feed the list goes on and on.
Telehealth Naturopathy Appointments
Online appointments are now so much easier. Do you work full time and find it hard to see someone during the week? Do you live in a remote area and sill want to see a naturopath? Well I am here to help! My appointments can be arranged after hours and on weekends,
What are your pimples telling you?
I’m sure everyone has experienced pimples at some point throughout their lives. They are annoying and can be very painful but what are your pimples really telling you. The location of your pimples can inform you of an underlying issue in your body.
Mens Fertility
Low sperm count and infertility in men is more common than most couples think. People tend to think that if a woman is not getting pregnant then fertility issue must be with the woman, but that is not necessarily always the case
Managing Menopause
Menopause is the point in which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases. This is a natural progression that every women faces as they go through their life. Years before menstruation stops your ovaries slow down and slow their production of hormones, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
5 reasons you may be feeling tired!
Working too much or just too busy, you need to start putting your health first and allow yourself to take the time to rest.