Ever wondered what state your health is currently in?
In 3 short minutes, you can find out!
What does optimal health look like?
Bouncing out of bed every morning
Feeling energised to get through your day
Your period comes each month on time and don’t need to take pain medication
You get compliments because your skin is glowing
You go to the toilet daily for bowel movements
YES people can actually feel that good!!
You can get results like this in only a few short minutes
Knowledge is power
or what we like to say,
knowledge is Potential Power
Once you have the knowledge you have the potential to take steps to improve your health. By seeing the current state of your health you gain the potential to make informed choices that can positively impact your well-being. By being aware of these factors, you can actively incorporate them into your lifestyle and make conscious decisions that promote better health.
However, it's important to note that knowledge alone is not sufficient—it’s taking the steps with your newfound knowledge that truly yields power. It's crucial to take action based on the information and insights you acquire. By implementing the knowledge you possess, such as adopting healthy habits, asking for help, and making proactive choices, you can harness the potential power of knowledge to improve your health and overall well-being.
By taking this quiz you will learn:
What you need to focus on with your health
Have a clear direction as to the support you need
Find out what is causing your symptoms
Have answers to your where you need support
Meet Hayley
After dealing with my own health issues, I saw the power of good nutrition, exercise and herbal medicine. I saw how it can assist the body to heal – which lead me to naturopathy. I was diagnosed with IBS, PCOS and endometriosis which has formed my passion for helping women with their hormones, gut health, skin and energy.
I am a registered member of Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA) and completed an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy in Melbourne. Since completing my studies I have thrown myself into many seminars, webinars and conferences to keep up to date with all the latest research. I have also completed a graduate certificate in Agriculture Health and Medicine which really cemented more knowledge about rural health.
Currently I live in South-West Victoria on a sheep and cropping property. In my spare time, you will often find me helping my partner load trucks, check sheep – or at harvest time, you can find me delivering meals to workers in the paddocks!
Having grown up in a rural area, with agriculture being a big part of my life, I feel I am uniquely positioned to understand the needs of her clients – especially those who are geographically distanced from important health services.
While I see patients in-person in Hamilton (Victoria), 85% of my patients are through Telehealth.