Holistic Approach to PCOS
PCOS is a common diagnosis which affects up to 10% of women.
— Quote Source
So many of my followers suffer from PCOS. I wanted to provide them an option where they can get practical and realistic advice to support the PCOS management holistically. Thats why I have created this ebook which includes my practical steps which I have used personally to manage my PCOS as well as what I have seen work when working with PCOS clients in 1:1 appointment.
I hope that this ebook provide easy, practical steps that anyone can follow. Recipes that don’t contain fancy ingredients that you cant get from rural supermarkets that also don’t take a long time to prepare.
I’ve kept ease in the back of my mind always.

Disclaimer: Naturopathy is not an ultimate solution for a specific illness or disease; it is a complementary therapy, in that it may be used alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques. We support working alongside the recommendations of your GP or specialist and will never tell you to stop a prescribed medication without discussing this with you and your GP first.
What is included?
This ebook covers:
44 page comprehensive ebook
Information about PCOS diagnosis
Learn about the 4 types of PCOS
The Rural Naturopath’s 5 step guide to managing PCOS naturally
20 easy PCOS friendly recipes
Meal ideas and meal planner template
Supplement recommendations
Exercise ideas for PCOS
Plus more
Price only $27
Get your copy today
Start your holistic journey to managing your PCOS naturally today