It is time to better
understand your hormones
Do your moods feel like they are on a roller coaster?
Do you feel your energy goes up and down throughout your cycle?
Are your periods here one month and gone the next?
Are you suffering in pain each month when you get your period?
Is your acne driving you crazy?
Have you ever been told?
“That it's normal to feel terrible when you get your period.”
Yeah, the media and GPs will tell you that period pain is normal, that taking days off work is normal and that relying on Panadol is just what you have to do.
But I know there are many women who would disagree with this statement. Period pain isn't normal and having your period shouldn't drastically affect your life
I think it's time to get to the bottom of what is actually going on with your hormones.
Did you know that just because period pain is common, doesn't mean it is normal?
Balancing your hormones to ensure they are working correctly can be easy once we understand more about what is going on.
Take the quiz to learn more about your hormones so you can better understand what you can do to start to live a more balanced life.
Why take the quiz?
Hayley knew something wasn't right with her hormones when she was learning about hormonal imbalances at uni. A few years later after a lot of investigation, she was diagnosed with Endometriosis and PCOS. Now that she knows what is going on with her hormones she has been able to make changes to her diet, and lifestyle and incorporate key supplements to help her manage these conditions. You can learn more too and take small steps to feel like yourself again.
Meet Hayley
After dealing with my own health issues, I saw the power of good nutrition, exercise and herbal medicine. I saw how it can assist the body to heal – which lead me to naturopathy. I was diagnosed with IBS, PCOS and endometriosis which has formed my passion for helping women with their hormones, gut health, skin and energy.
I am a registered member of Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA) and completed an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy in Melbourne. Since completing my studies I have thrown myself into many seminars, webinars and conferences to keep up to date with all the latest research. I have also completed a graduate certificate in Agriculture Health and Medicine which really cemented more knowledge about rural health.
Currently I live in South-West Victoria on a sheep and cropping property. In my spare time, you will often find me helping my partner load trucks, check sheep – or at harvest time, you can find me delivering meals to workers in the paddocks!
Having grown up in a rural area, with agriculture being a big part of my life, I feel I am uniquely positioned to understand the needs of her clients – especially those who are geographically distanced from important health services.
While I see patients in-person in Hamilton (Victoria), 85% of my patients are through Telehealth.
My goal is to provide naturopathic care to anyone, anywhere in Australia.