At the very least you’ve probably at least heard about fermented foods and the term “probiotics.” These are two key elements that are all the rage in the gut health world. But you may, or may not, know exactly what they are and how they benefit your health. Let’s dive in as we uncover what is a probiotic and 4 fermented foods to boost your intake.
Mild Cauliflower and Potato Curry
This curry is not only delicious but nutritious. It is one of those meals that you feel travel the whole way down to your tummy, giving you an amazing feeling inside. The Ginger, Turmeric and Garlic are great for boosting immunity, and the vegetables are a fabulous way to fill you up.
Why I am looking for to kick starting my health with my online program?
For the past 2 years I’ve been really focusing on my business and getting it off the ground. At times I really focus on my diet, then at times I really focus on exercise. Running your own business can be stressful, instead of going for a run or meal prepping I would sit on my computer and finish off some work.
How to stay healthy while living rurally?
Do you find it hard to make healthy meals while living an hour or even hours from your local supermarket? There’s no opportunity to quickly duck to the supermarket if you’ve run out of apples or have a craving for something but that’s ok, we can still eat healthy and nutritious meals while living rurally and I’m here to tell you how I do it.
Natural Approach to Parasites
Furthering from my blog where I spoke about the negative effects tank water can have on our health and how to prevent contacting parasite but what happens if you get one of these bacteria’s. As a naturopath there are many powerful herbs that can assist in removing the parasites from your body and heal your digestive system again to heal any damage or inflammation the parasite has caused.
Is tank water really good for you?
Don’t we all love our fresh untreated rain water? We often a liken it to natures gift, pure rain water, but how pure is it actually? Is it causing us sick and we aren’t realizing.
Those who are drinking untreated rain water are at risk of contracting bad bacteria in your digestive system which can have a very negative effect to our health.
Benefits of Kombucha
We have all see kombucha being one of the latest health crazes in the health industry but do you know why you are drinking this “superfood” or what it actually is?
Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that is made from a sweet tea mix and a SCOBY.
3 tips to managing hay fever
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens that commonly occur during spring when there are more pollens, dust, moulds and animal hair particles in the air bit some individuals can experience hay fever throughout the year.
We all need antibiotics from time to time but it’s important to know how we manage the negative impacts that antibiotics while we are on them and after we’ve finished.
What is Rural and Remote Naturopathy all about?
As you may have seen over the past 2 weeks I have begun changing focus a little bit in my business. My current clients will know that I am from a farm and farming is a big part of my life. Being a naturopath in a small town isn’t always easy and I have been working on
5 foods to boost your digestive system
As we all know our digestive system is so important to overall health. It is believed that all diseases start in the gut and with our western diet at the moment it is causing so much inflammation in our body.
What are your pimples telling you?
I’m sure everyone has experienced pimples at some point throughout their lives. They are annoying and can be very painful but what are your pimples really telling you. The location of your pimples can inform you of an underlying issue in your body.
How to build the perfect smoothie
Smoothies can be a great breakfast or snack option but I often here people saying that they are hungry or dont feel satisfied.
Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance
Many people get confused when using the terminology allergy and intolerance. While the two are both a reaction within the body, they are 2 very different reactions, facilitated by different immunological antibodies.