Where Have I Been, Burnout, and Filling Your Own Cup.
First off I feel like I must apologise, I’m very sorry I haven’t written a blog post in over a month. I have been quite quiet over on my social media platforms too. So the burning question, where have I been?
Well, not only am I a Naturopath but a side-kick to my partner, who works on his family farm and has a contracting business, so this time of year is super crazy!
Why I am looking for to kick starting my health with my online program?
For the past 2 years I’ve been really focusing on my business and getting it off the ground. At times I really focus on my diet, then at times I really focus on exercise. Running your own business can be stressful, instead of going for a run or meal prepping I would sit on my computer and finish off some work.
Stress Management Tips For Farmers
Gosh where to start with this topic. As a farmer it can be such a rewarding job but it comes with it stresses. I understand that every job has their own stresses but farmers live on the land, they never leave the work at the end of the day and struggle to have a good work life balance. There are the everyday stresses of managing staff, balancing budgets, future planning as well as doing physical work.
Natural Approach to Parasites
Furthering from my blog where I spoke about the negative effects tank water can have on our health and how to prevent contacting parasite but what happens if you get one of these bacteria’s. As a naturopath there are many powerful herbs that can assist in removing the parasites from your body and heal your digestive system again to heal any damage or inflammation the parasite has caused.
Is tank water really good for you?
Don’t we all love our fresh untreated rain water? We often a liken it to natures gift, pure rain water, but how pure is it actually? Is it causing us sick and we aren’t realizing.
Those who are drinking untreated rain water are at risk of contracting bad bacteria in your digestive system which can have a very negative effect to our health.
Breaking Down Isolation
If you have been following me for a while you will have known that I am super passionate about rural health and allowing those who live rurally to feel connected. Last year while on a retreat in Bali I found where and how I wanted to turn my business. I decided I wanted to support those in rural in remote areas feel connected and to help break down isolation.
Managing your health over harvest
Annually, at this time of year, I become a ‘harvest widow’, as the common terms goes. My partner and I don’t cross paths frequently; I’m asleep when he gets home, and I’ve left for work before he gets up. Over the three months of harvest we generally only get to see each other when it rains, when I’m helping him move machinery or when I go out in the header to take him dinner.
What to do before IVF?
I am seeing more and more patients trying to conceive and going for the IVF option. It is really important to get you and your partners health in top shape before starting your IVF treatment to ensure you get the best results.
3 tips to managing hay fever
Hay fever is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens that commonly occur during spring when there are more pollens, dust, moulds and animal hair particles in the air bit some individuals can experience hay fever throughout the year.
Farmer Fatigue
Fatigue can be a big issue for farmers, both physically and mentally. Most farmers are working 7 days a week doing physical farm work then coming home in the evenings to go over budgets, pay bills, order feed the list goes on and on.
Anxiety, stress how can a natural approach help?
Stress and anxiety is something that many of us deal with on a regular basis including myself. When we get stressed the things we usually do to help manage these situations go straight out the window. I feel that anxiety, depression and stress is something that can be managed really
Telehealth Naturopathy Appointments
Online appointments are now so much easier. Do you work full time and find it hard to see someone during the week? Do you live in a remote area and sill want to see a naturopath? Well I am here to help! My appointments can be arranged after hours and on weekends,
Stress management in Farmers
I asked my partner one day, what would your ultimate dream job be? He responded in saying he was already doing it. As a farmer it can be such a rewarding job but it comes with it stresses
What is Rural and Remote Naturopathy all about?
As you may have seen over the past 2 weeks I have begun changing focus a little bit in my business. My current clients will know that I am from a farm and farming is a big part of my life. Being a naturopath in a small town isn’t always easy and I have been working on