Work With Us
The Rural Naturopath provides a range of different options and services to meet the needs of our clients, and are committed to improving health outcomes in rural and regional areas.
Naturopathy is all about treating the individual as a whole. We look at the bigger picture to recognise underlying issues, and provide personalised treatment options for long-term, sustainable results. Our treatment plans include dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as supplement recommendations.
Hayley and her team work with a broad range of health conditions, from acne, anxiety and depression, and period pain – to more complex issues, like mental health, gut dysbiosis and fertility.

Disclaimer: Naturopathy is not an ultimate solution for a specific illness or disease; it is a complementary therapy, in that it may be used alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques. We support working alongside the recommendations of your GP or specialist and will never tell you to stop a prescribed medication without discussing this with you and your GP first.
When seeking help from The Rural Naturopath, you can be sure you’re in good hands.
These 1:1 appointments are a good option if it’s your first foray into naturopathy. If you’re unable to commit financially to ongoing monthly appointments or big packages at this point in time, consider scheduling an initial appointment, and see where you want to go from there.
We offer consults through Telehealth (Over Zoom, Skype or phone) or in-person at Hayley’s offices in Hamilton (south-west Victoria). You can book here.
How long will my consultation take?
As naturopathy is a holistic therapy approach, you can expect to spend between 30 mins to 1 hour with your naturopath. You should anticipate being asked a range of questions pertaining to your lifestyle (such as, how you eat and sleep), as this enables our team to garner a strong understanding of your whole health in order to efficiently guide you through treatment.
At The Rural Naturopath, we primarily deliver packages and bundled services to our clients, as this aligns with our goal to treat the individual as a whole. There is no quick fix for health — so we have found working with clients over a four to six month period yields the best results, and helps instil lasting habits. We are very flexible with our clients’ needs, and are happy to discuss what will suit you on an individual level.
If you have any questions please book a discovery call where we can find the best option to suit you and your needs.
Feel supported, connected, and empowered to improve your health!
Work with a qualified naturopath and nutritionist to get the bottom of your health concerns, and ensure you reach your optimal physical and mental self.
In working with Hayley over a four to six-month period, you will be able to experience longer-lasting, sustainable results.
The Elevate package addresses nutrition, movement, and lifestyle factors, as well as your mindset.
We also understand that so often, those in rural and remote areas do not have access to ongoing support between appointments – so we’re here to change that! We want our clients to be able to ask questions and celebrate their wins. Clients can email us between appointments and have all the support they need.
This package includes:
4 x 1:1 appointments to offer you personalised support and treatment plans
A monthly group masterclass around a specific health topic
A monthly Group ‘Mindset Coaching Call’ with Katrina Myers
Access to a Members Only portal (which includes fantastic resources, including recipes, Pilates exercises and more!)
4-month access to online yoga classes
Price: $595 or 4 x monthly payments of $150
Take your health to new levels with this premium package! Thrive is a six-month program that is perfect for those who are 100% committed to achieving their health goals – and want to go all in!
This package is ideal for ladies coming off the pill; with other women’s health issues, such as PCOS or endometriosis; those focussed on their fertility and trying to conceive; or other health issues, such as acne, digestive issues, IBS, etc.
This package includes:
6 x 1:1 appointments to offer you personalised support and treatment plans
1 x food compatibility test or DUTCH or CDSA stool test (CDSA & DUTCH test is an additional $150)
All naturopathic supplements included
Monthly Group Masterclass (online)
Monthly Group Mindset phone call
Six months’ access to online Naturopathic Yoga
Access to a members’ only portal which includes online Pilates, delicious recipes and more!
6 months of ongoing support via email and text message
Price $1999 or 6 x monthly payments of $350
Valued over $2500
Coming Soon!
We are so excited to be launching an exciting new offering soon – our very own eCourses! These are self-paced, informative programs that allow our clients to reach a whole new level of understanding when it comes to their health.
Subscribe to our newsletter for further announcements and launch updates!
The Hormone Boot Camp.
Get in tune with your body and learn to work with your cycles. Let’s create a healthy partnership with ‘Aunt Flo’ instead always battling her (and her moods!).
In 6 modules, learn how to better understand your cycle to be able to use your hormones to your advantage.
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mum looking to improve her general wellness, or perhaps you’re a female business owner who wants to get on top of the world (with your body on your side!) – this course will help you reach your best self
A little taste of what’s to come:
Module 1: Understand your hormones.
Module 2: Tracking your cycle.
Module 3: Let’s talk about contraception.
Module 4: Chronic conditions: PCOS, Endometriosis, Amenorrhea.
Module 5: Healthy home, healthy hormones!
Module 6: Fitness for female health.
Events are a big part of The Rural Naturopath that bring a lot of joy to our team, and our attendees!
Seeing women come off farms to connect with like-minded people, and learn from industry experts makes us so happy. These events have such a positive ripple effect on the rural community as a whole.
The Rural Naturopath team hosts functions, but we also attend external events as keynote speakers.
Hayley is available to speak at live events, workshops, webinars and corporate functions. If you have an upcoming event in your local community (or online) and are interested in collaborating – get in touch with us and let’s see how we can work together!
Stay tuned for more events coming soon.